Who is Kevin

Kevin Jenkins was the youngest of three children. His mother was in the Air Force, and his father an accountant. From a young age Kevin has been exposed to different aspects and cultures all around the world, and has learned to thrive and succeed in all of them.

Kevin has always had an interest in politics, starting back when he lived in England, and on a school fieldtrip to the Parliament building, he was told by a member of the House of Commons that he should work hard and become the Secretary of State one day for the United States.

From there, Kevin went to Boy’s State in South Dakota in 2016, and through hard work obtained the position of Secretary of State out of 500 men.

Through this time, Kevin had met with politicians such as Dennis Dougard, Kristi Noem on multiple occasions which only sparked his interest even more. After going through the Brat-Pact, Kevin decided he wanted to help the American people directly by running for office.

Now it is time for our next election, and Kevin is looking towards YOU to get out and vote for KEVIN JENKINS to help move this country forward and give better lives to all.